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In the last two weeks we traveled to our last destination, Jeffery’s Bay in South Africa. We are staying on the Global Leadership Academy Campus (GLA) in the missions house. A house that has been a home to several teams that have gone around the world. A house that has been prayed for, blessed, and anointed. Our host shared with us the heart and foundation of GLA. It started with a group of people who went around the world together and felt called in starting a school here in J-Bay. They started a school in a local mall after they got prophecy and vision from the Lord of what it was going to be. A place of discipleship. As they continued to share about how they came about to the land this house and school are on, they shared testimony after testimony of how God has provided and answered prayers; people donated land to them, groups came and built schools, they have a primary and high school filled with kids, they were in a drought for years and the Lord revealed to them water source, they were able to build villages in exponential time, gardens to provide for the community, youth programs began, a church began, etc. AND THEY ARE ONLY CELEBRATING THEIR 20TH ANNIVERSARY! They explained how we are standing on answered prayer after answered prayer. And the Lord is not done yet… they have dreams of an orphanage, more schooling options, homeless villages, more mission trip programs and so much more that they are getting called into by the Lord. Part of our ministry is coming along side this community and partnering with them and with the Lord. We will be helping build their new technical school, as well as helping with several youth camps.

Our other ministry days look like going to an orphanage near by and pouring into the founder and the kids. It is an orphanage of 16 orphans, as well as a day care for the near community. The founder is another walking testimony of how the Lord provides. She one day heard on the radio about people in J-Bay and felt the Lord call her here. As she got here she thought He was calling her into counseling families in poor conditions, but then the Lord pointed out an area here where there are several street kids, and He told her that’s where she is to go. Then the Lord provided a house and she started taking in kids. And then the Lord provided clothes, food, and support. As I listened to her talk I saw how she loves every kid that comes into her life, and how she doesn’t get drained or burnt out because the Lord is continuously providing strength and love to pour out. And with everything, she has opened hands, knowing that the Lord will answer her prayers because He already has again and again.

Jehovah Jireh – The Lord who provides

We talk a lot about the Lord being a God who provides, but what does that mean? What does that mean for how we live and how we walk with the Lord? Through the last 2 weeks by watching this community live I have seen how they exalt the Lord in everything they do. They walk with expectancy because they have seen God provide for them. They don’t hesitate or doubt, but pray and walk in boldness. They dream big and bring those dreams to the Lord because they know He is a God who not only provides but wants to walk in their dreams with them. They walk in gratitude and reverence because they have experienced the power of the Almighty God who has made the impossible possible. They have tasted and have seen the sweetest of loves. The love of the One who sees, hears, and provides.

God is so big, and He is so intentional. He created everything. And in all things He creates and works them for good. He has so much bigger for each of us and He will provide if we listen to what He is calling us to step into.

The Hebrew word for “testimony” is “aydooth” which means “do it again”. As I share these testimonies from the lives I have encountered in the last weeks, I encourage you to remember how the Lord has provided in your own life. And with confidence and boldness pray earnestly because Jehovah Jireh WILL do it again!

One response to “Jehovah Jireh”

  1. Thank you, Taylor! What a great reminder for all of us to look back and to remember.❤️ and to move forward with renewed faith. You are loved.

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