We have now been in Eswatini for 2 weeks! Wow! Life is crazy. We are staying at a bible college near Manzini and the first thing we did when we got here was a prayer walk. We walked around the property, and throughout the house praying for protection, blessings, and that the Holy Spirit would dwell in us. I prayed over moments as team, conversations one on one, and vulnerability and closeness with the Lord. I have already seen those prayers answered in so many ways. This house is full of love for one another and for the Lord. Memories that have been blessings are times of singing in the kitchen, adventure day hikes, endless card games, testimony swaps, worship and feet washing in the joy hut, laughter, warrior prayers, dancing in the rain, basketball in the house, slumber parties, hot seat, and so much more. Our home is so so sweet.
Ministry days look like going to care points Tuesday-Fridays, and then ATL days on Mondays. I love my care point. The kids are crazy and sweet. The first day I got to sit with the bomake (mothers/cooks) for a while and one of the things they told me was that they know God is real and are reminded that He sees them because He sent us here. It was so beautiful to see their faithfulness and to be reassured in God’s purpose and intentionality in sending me here. My favorite moments with the kids are the cuddles, playing soccer, and climbing up in the tree! On the first day they also blessed us with a song and prayer and it was so beautiful. It was evident that the Lord is working in this place. On Monday we had “ask the lord” day. This is where we go into the small town of manzini and ask God to guide us. We talk to different people on the street and pray over them. One moment was when my group was walking by and this woman who was begging reached out to us. I grabbed her hand and she pulled me down begging for prayer. Me and my group of 4 starting praying over her. She mentioned her son was in the hospital and that her leg was broken. One of my teammates Jackson, then took some water and started washing her feet as well prayed bold prayers. She broke down crying and repeatedly saying thank you. There were many people who just walked by and all she wanted was prayer.
Over the last month I have been seeing and hearing the verse John 15:5 everywhere. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” I have been trying to figure out why I keep hearing this verse, and what God is trying to tell me. This morning I was reading Practicing the Way, by John Mark Comer and he talked about this verse. He explained that the word “Abide” is menō in Greek which can be translated to “remain”, “dwell”, or “make your home in”. He explained that John 15 can be explained as the main point of making your home in the presence of the Lord by the Spirit. This clicked in my head. I have been praying to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit more clearly for the last couple weeks and to completely walk with Jesus. I now can see that the Lord has been answering this prayer or showing me that I use abide in Him as He abides in me. Giving the Lord my first fruits and making my home in His presence by the Spirit.
I pray for a complete transformation and to be walking so closely with the Spirit that it is clear by anyone who encounters me.
Wow Taylor. Yes! Complete transformation in Jesus’ name! It’s so kind of God to already be working that out in you. And that we always have the ability to be transformed! He’s just waiting at the door knocking. I’m so proud of you for hearing Him and continuing to open the door.
It is so great to hear about your time there and what the Lord is doing in your life and those you encounter! Keep listening! You are blessed and you are loved!
This is so amazing and sweet to read. I love seeing the pictures and knowing your prayers are being answered and you are protected by God while in this adventure. Keep prayer to health those who are ill and to live on those adorable kiddos. I am so proud of you!!